Regenerative Livelihoods for Regenerative Cultures

with Inez Aponte & Della Duncan

Saturday Oct 14th, 9 - 10:30 am PDT / 4 - 5:30 pm UTC / 5 - 6:30 pm BST

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Join Imagineer, Storyteller, and Barefoot Economist Inez Aponte in conversation with Della Duncan, a creator and facilitator of our Cultivating Regenerative Livelihoods course, to explore how your livelihood can be in service to the transition to a more regenerative future.

This webinar will help you pause and reconnect with what's important to you. You will get a chance to reflect on how well your needs are currently being met, what it is about our economic system that makes meeting our needs in ethical and sustainable ways so difficult, and how we can cultivate regenerative livelihoods that both meet our needs and are in service of the economic systems change needed for a truly regenerative culture. 

Our lifestyles don't have to be at odds with the planet, we can cultivate ways of living and working that can actually be in alignment with our values and benefit the planet!

Some topics that will be explored in this conversation will be:

  • A holistic view of needs and an analysis of the strategies we use to meet them
  • Guidance for how we can move collectively to more regenerative cultures
  • Support on how your livelihood can contribute to regenerative economic systems change

Inez Aponte

Inez is founder of Growing Good Lives, which delivers Human Scale Development inspired training to activists, NGO’s, sustainability students, entrepreneurs and community groups. Her work focuses on cultivating our ‘radical collective imaginations’ by challenging and transforming our dominant economic narratives as well as the material conditions that underpin it.

She is a ‘gatherer of minds and hearts’, creating opportunities for people to come together - in both effective and joyful ways - to learn about and address issues around land ownership, local livelihoods, public spaces and community mental health.

In 2021 she founded Crazy Beautiful World CIC with her teenage son to connect young people with the adults who care about their future. She runs Crazy Beautiful Conversations workshops where she uses play, neuroscience and storytelling to help bridge perceived divides. 


Della Duncan

Della Z Duncan is a Renegade Economist who is a co-creator and co-facilitator of the Cultivating Regenerative Livelihoods Course and a co-facilitator of the Economic Dimension of the Design for Sustainability and Regeneration Programme at Gaia Education. Other areas of her livelihood garden include supporting individuals as a Right Livelihood Coach, helping transition businesses and organizations as a post-capitalist consultant, teaching and facilitating courses and retreats on the Work that Reconnects, Financial Permaculture, and Regenerative Economics, and hosting the Upstream Podcast which challenges mainstream economic thinking through documentaries and conversations including, The Green Transition: The Problem with Green Capitalism and The Myth of Freedom Under Capitalism. Della is also the Course Development Manager of Fritjof Capra’s Capra Course on the Systems View of Life, a founding member of the California Doughnut Economics Coalition, a Senior Fellow of Social and Economic Equity at the London School of Economics, a Gross National Happiness Master Trainer,  and a Senior Lecturer of Renegade Economics and Regenerative Livelihoods at the California Institute of Integral Studies. 


Silvia Di Blasio

Silvia is Gaia Education academic and eLearning coordinator. She also co-facilitates the Worldview Dimension of the GEDS in Spanish, the Cultivating Regenerative Livelihoods course and the Design for Resilience course. Silvia holds a certificate in permaculture, a certificate in disaster management and is a Gaia Education certified trainer. She has experience in various fields and has years of experience in community resilience and related fields.

Silvia Di Blasio