Gaia Youth India 2018 – World We Want Design Education
The World We Want Design Education is an education that is universal in scope and local in application. Led by THREAD and Siddharth Village School in Orissa, India, the children learn how to design with experts from the best research and development centers for resilient life styles. During the 2017-18 cycle 44 children joined the year long programme based on four dimensions of sustainability- Worldview, Social, Economic and Ecological dimensions.
Certify a Gaia Youth Programme
The Gaia Youth programme enables educators and young people to explore how the UN Sustainable Development Goals are deeply relevant to their own lives and those of all humanity, and gives them an action-learning based pathway to local implementation in ways that are most relevant and useful to their community. Of all generations alive today, the young people who will come of age during the 12 years leading up to 2030, have the most to gain from and the most at stake in, humanity’s collaborative effort to achieve the Global Goals.
Certified Gaia Youth Programmes are invited to become official contributors to UNESCO Global Action Programme on Education for Sustainable Development.