EDE Schloss Glarisegg, Switzerland


Type: Face to Face 
Start Date:
9 January 2025
End Date: 15 February 2025 

Website: https://www.edeglarisegg.info

Contact: edeglarisegg@gmail.com

 Registration: edeglarisegg.info

Certified by:

Programme Description

We are delighted to be offering another EDE in the heart of winter and in the cozy settings of Schloss Glarisegg. We have added the title “Creating a Transformative Culture” because we recognize that as we move into a time of unpredictable change, we need to cultivate skills in dealing with the unknown. We ask how do I anchor myself in times of uncertainty? How does transformation happen, in myself, in others and in society at large? How do I become an effective change agent and what is my role to play?

We will focus on social tools for individual and group competencies for intimate and large group communications, decision-making, conflict resolution, and project planning. We invite a large group of students to have ample practice in different sizes of collective endeavours.


Creating a Transformative Culture is a process of awakening and expanding our consciousness, individually & collectively. We position that the planetary and humanitarian crisis is in its very essence a crisis of consciousness. Therefore we put inner transformation at the core of outer transformation. We create a culture, where vulnerability in leadership is understood and embraced. Honoring each individual’s unique contribution, we recognize that empowerment is a shared journey, guiding us in the response ability in the healing of the planet. By recognizing the power in community and interpersonal process work, we intentionally deepen our capacity for authenticity and intimacy, compassion and connection. ​ Our innate interdependence calls us to social and ecological justice for all life on earth. We see nature and every element of creation as sacred, with human beings nestled inside the whole. ​ By embracing the creative tension between known and unknown, where we are and where we would like to be, we create our playground. Here we celebrate the power of co-creation, where we align ourselves collectively to what wants to emerge.

I want to join!

glarisegg 2025

"Creating a Transformative Culture" is a five 5 weeks experiential laboratory, where you can discover yourself and your possibilities for being in and creating community. The core curriculum of Gaia Education Design serves as a basic structure around which we experiment with many of the social tools needed for communities to thrive. We add an additional week "The Growing Together Days"where our alumni are invited back for collaboration with our new "community members", expanding our network. You will find your peers and get the condensed wisdom of world wide pioneers and communities in order to Create a Transformative Culture in the World!

If your curiosity got interested in more elementals of this course here you find everything about:
- our essential content of the 4 dimensions of the EDE, our projects design & its certification
- deeper cultural context, made visible in 7 films (1 - 35 min), documentaries & artistics
- testimonials 

- initiators, seminar leaders & team
- course fee & location


Schloss Glarisegg

The community lies on the Swiss side of Lake Constance, nestled between the forest and beach. The castle community is a home a place for encounter, awareness , consciousness and being and holds 33 adults and 20 children. The community also hosts a seminar center, a school for children, a forest kindergarden, a permaculture and agroforestry, and is home to artists , musicians and therapists.


How to run an EDE?

Several of our EDE graduates have carried on organising EDE programmes in their local areas, and you are warmly encouraged to do so after completing your course.

The recommended time frame of an EDE is four weeks, however this is not fixed and varies with each individual programme.

The material can be condensed into smaller workshops, spread out over a longer period, or distributed in blocks at different times and locations.