Ditlev Nissen

Ditlev Nissen 2560x3089

Ditlev has his roots in community and conflict resolution. For 26 years he has runed Living Community, where he teaches and facilitate processes in ecovillages, cohousing communities and in green organisations. 

Born in 1960, father of 3 children and 6 grandchildren. Social activist sins his 18 years. Educated carpenter. Moved to Christiania, the Free City of Copenhagen, in 1993. Short after he met the Danish Centre for Conflict Resolution where he worked as a teacher and facilitator for 12 years. Ditlev have been active in the Danish Ecovillage Network since 1996. He was chairman for the network in 2010-2015. 

Ditlev was member of the forming group and lived in Karise Permatopia, a cohousing and farm community for 225 people, for seven years. He moved back to Christiania in 2021.

He organised and co-facilitated an unofficial 6-week EDE for unemployed people in 2013.

Social dimension. 

Ditlev teach and facilitate community building, conflict resolution, sociocracy and decision making. 

Economic dimension

Ditlev has teach at the economic dimension at EDE Hallingelille, Denmark, 2012, Design for Sustainability & Organic Food Systems for Asylum Seekers in Denmark, 2017 and EDE Avnoe, Denmark, 2023.

The Green Market Place is a whole system design in the economic dimension, that Ditlev and a friend made at Gaia Educations Design for Sustainability and Regeneration in 2021. 

Knowledge Cloud 

Country: Denmark

Academic Titles: Former chairman, Danish Ecovillage Network; CEO, Living Communities 

Website: https://levendelokalsamfund.dk/ 

Teaching language: Danish, English

EDEs Facilitated:

Future Workshops – Renewal through Play: Article in Ecovillage Living – Restoring the Earth and Her People, Edited by Hildur Jackson and Karen Svensson, 2002

Academic Papers:
Lifestyle Change as Climate Strategy: presented at the 6th Living Knowledge Conference – An Innovative Civil Society: Impact through Co-creation and Participation, at Aalborg University in Copenhagen, 2014.

Press articles:
Empathy is the key to sustainable societies, chronicle, Information, September 2022




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