Michael Gauthier

My journey through the world of ecovillages started in 2018 through the co-organization of courses with Na Lu'um Permaculture Institute, even if I almost always lived in community. With Tierra Martinez and other teachers, I setup PDCs and specialized modules of agroecology, bioconstruction and community building experiences, discovering how to regain autonomy and freedom. Now active through the Papillons Voyageurs association I co-funded, my wish if to keep sharing ecovillage design tools and collective experiences that gives profound desire to use those regenerative tools.
Currently living in an eco-community in the south of France named Lou Neïssoun, I joined GEN as ambassador in 2020 and co-organized in 2021 the first Ecovillage Design Education course held in France at Sainte Camelle ecovillage. Presently working to make the next EDE happen, my will is to keep supporting actions that help humanity to align with the planet's balances and to allow all life to be respected and valued as is it, a miracle!