Mark Taplin

Mark Taplin
“Embrace potential, respond to life, discover abundance”
– Looby Macnamara
Mark is upcycling the life experience of an early career in film/television production followed by a self taught make-do- and-mend existence of self sufficiency in rural England. His mantra is “if at first you don’t succeed, try try try again”.
Flying with the GEESE since 2007, Mark is seeking to help those on the journey to co-create ways of building resilient and regenerative communities, with the aim of occupying a light footprint on our planet, and serving as examples of change.
As well as being involved with EDE’s in Europe, South East Asia and West Africa Mark has completed the Training of Trainers, the UNITAR Renewable Energies for Sustainable Development course and GEDS Ecological Module. He is now offering to guide/facilitate in Ecological design, and is happy to act as Weaver holding the thread through the duration of an EDE.
Knowledge Cloud
Country: England
Academic Titles: BA (Hons) University of East Anglia UEA
Teaching language: English
EDEs Facilitated:
Wongsangit Ashram (Thailand) 2012
8-day short EDE Greece 2013
Findhorn (Scotland) Week 5, 2013
Sandele (Gambia) 2014