Leandro Uchoas

leandro uchoas

Leandro Uchoas

“While you are proclaiming peace with your lips, be careful to have it even more fully in your heart.”

Saint Francis of Assisi

Leandro Uchoas is an educator and social activist. In Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, he set up Shanti Brasil Institute, to promote Culture of Peace, Human Rights and Sustainability. He is usually part of panels, courses and circles on Peace, Nonviolent Communication, Toxic Masculinity and Voluntary Simplicity.

Leandro is the author of the book “Be the Change: Brazil seen and debated through the legacy of Gandhi”. In 2019, he won the prize “Fazedores do Bem” (Good-Doers) by creating a game to promote citizenship.

As an activist, Leandro also worked in Heinrich Böll Foundation and in Brazilian Parliament.

Knowledge Cloud

Country: Brazil

Academic Titles: Gujarat Vidyapith: Peace and Nonviolence

Teaching language: Portuguese

Website: shantibrasil.com

Book: Be The Change, 2018


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