Juliana Diniz

juliana diniz

Juliana Diniz

“The human being who plants trees knowing he will never sit in their shade has started to understand the meaning of life.”


Juliana Diniz is a social scientist with emphasis on Anthropology and co-founder of Instituto de Desenvolvimento Regenerativo (Brazil).

Based on Phenomenology, Anthroposophy and Deep Ecology, she works on human development in order to align personal health with planetary health. From the approach of regenerative development and integral-living systems, she works with consultancy for territorial based projects and organizations.

She has experience in ethnodevelopment with indigenous and traditional communities, design and management of regenerative projects, facilitating groups to reconnect with nature and anthroposophically based therapeutic accompaniment.

She is a lover of landscapes, wisdom traditions and diverse human cultures. Cultivates agroforestry and develops his permacultural site in Serra da Canastra, Brazil.

Knowledge Cloud

Country: Brazil

Academic Titles: Bachelor’s Degree in Social Sciences with focus on Anthropology

Teaching language: Portuguese


A dor do mundo e a cura planetária

Sobre a busca de visão

Descolonizar é preciso

Academic papers: Reconectando natureza-cultura e tradicional-moderno na superação de uma crise civilizatória: pela decolonialidade do poder, saber e ser. Monografia, 2017.

A Voz da Terra – entre raízes e histórias. Editora Subsolo, 2018.

Website: Instituto de Desenvolvimento Regenerativo (www.desenvolvimentoregenerativo.com)

Teaching language: Portuguese

