Filipe Freitas

filipe new size

“I slept and dreamt that life was a joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy” – Rabindranath Tagore

Filipe was born in Belo Horizonte, son of a doctor and geographer, and a camper since very young. He is now the father of Aurora and Luri. Although not a biologist, Filipe considers himself a Biophilist. He has studied in deep ecology, holism, complexity, self-organization, systemic thinking, and trans-disciplinary. He graduated in Communication and acted as an Audiovisual Director for a number of years. Filipe has been working on sustainability education projects for twenty years and is a facilitator of Biodanza System Rolando Toro System, a system that he has been applying since 2010. He participated for 10 years in the development of the Terra Una ecovillage and has helped organise and be a part of the faculty of 17 EDE/Gaia Education programmes. Most recently Filipe completed his Masters in Community Psycho-sociology.

Knowledge Cloud 

Country: Brazil
Academic Titles: Master’s Degree in Community Psychosociology and Social Ecology; Specialist in Environmental Education; Graduated in Social Communication
Teaching language: Portuguese, Spanish, English

EDEs Facilitated:

EDE Rio de Janeiro – 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017
EDE Terra Una – 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017
EDE Belo Horizonte – 2012, 2017, 2018
EDE Buenos Aires – 2013
EDE Rio de Janeiro Youth – 2013, 2014, 2015
EDE Serrano (Rio de Janeiro Mountains) Youth – 2015


Autopoético – 2003
Alfabetização Ecológica: Manual do Educador
(Ecological Literacy: Educator’s Manual) 2004

Academic Papers:

Eros e comunidade: uma investigação etnográfica sobre o amor livre como ordem social confluente na ecovila de Tamera em Portugal (Eros and community: an ethnographic research on free love as a confluent social order in the Tamera ecovillage in Portugal) – 2016

Consciência e Biodanza: epistemologia e vivência para os ser universal (Consciousness and Biodanza: epistemology and experience for the universal
being) 2010

Autocura e evolução: a metáfora do câncer planetário (Self-healing and evolution: the
metaphor of planetary cancer) 2006

Press Articles:

Educação Ambiental Empresarial na Prática – Relato de Projeto Pedagógico em Ação em Minas Gerais (Corporate Environmental Education in Practice – Report of Pedagogical Project in Action in Minas Gerais) – 2008
