Eve Allemand

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“Grace happens when we act with others on behalf of our world” – Joanna Macy

Eve has been trained as a Counsellor and Psychologist and uses a systemic perspective.

Since 2012, she has worked with migrants and adolescents in Canada, Ecuador and Switzerland (her home country) within non-profit organisations, governments and the United Nations. She believes that sustainability can be attained through the empowerment of underprivileged populations and local communities using participatory facilitation, as well as by fostering collaboration between local groups, organisations and governments.

Knowledge Cloud 

Country: Switzerland
Academic Titles: M.A. in Counselling Psychology, McGill University, Canada; M.S. in Psychology, University of Lausanne, Switzerland
Teaching language: French, English and Spanish
EDEs Facilitated:
Colombia 2013
Contributions to several others
Sistematización de mi Experiencia de Trabajo en la Provincia de Sucumbíos, Ecuador, 2014
Press articles:
Mémoire de recherche – Master of Psychology, UNIL, Switzerland: Trajectoires d’appropriation du français de six femmes latinoaméricaines immigrées à Montréal: Eléments de trajectoires et réaménagements identitaires
