Débora Gutierrez

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“I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy” – Rabindranath Tagore

Unconditional lover and protector of the Ocean, Oceanographer and Environmental Management Specialist. Yoga and Meditation instructor and holistic therapist. Enthusiast of life, dance and popular celebrations. Believes in working for love and life purpose, and so travels among islands seeking to bring resilience towards climate change and recovering traditional knowledge and values. Her goal is to help a sustainable development on coastal communities to overall wellbeing.

Facilitator and Consultant in Marine and Coastal Protected Areas. Permaculture and Spirituality passionate. Eternal learner of healing and developing daily to be a better human being.

She believes that the key to world transformation lies in self-knowledge. Guardian of sacred feminine circles. Network weaver always.

Knowledge Cloud 

Country: Brazil

Academic Titles: Oceanographer (USP), Environmental Management Specialist (ESALQ-USP) and Sustainability Designer (Gaia Education); pursuing a master’s degree in Water and Coastal Management (WACOMA) at a consortium with the Universities of Bologna, Algarve and Cadiz

Website: http://www.cureoceanlove.com/
Teaching language: Portugues, Spanish and English

Academic papers: Videotransecto georreferenciado como ferramenta de monitoramento de ecossistemas recifais no Parque Nacional Marinho e APA de Fernando de Noronha – VII Seminário de Pesquisa do ICMBio/ 2016;
Plano de Gerenciamento Ambiental para UCs com ênfase nas Marinhas e Costeiras – set. de 2015;
