Anahí Beatriz Pacheco

“Stop acting so small. You are the universe in ecstatic motion.” – Rumi
Moved to find solutions to the actual eco-systemic, social, economic, and spiritual crisis, Anahí feels the call to support building communities that place in the centre of every decision and action the Care for Life and Love. To co-create a new human culture of peace, holistic and integrative.
Transpersonal Psychologist and Master in Systemic Therapy, with 25 years of experience and professional training in personal and spiritual growth methodologies. She is trained as Biodanza and Meditation teacher, Eco-social facilitator and Group therapist, among others. In her spiritual journey, she has been nourished by the therapeutic-meditative vision of Osho (Zen and Tantra), and has had the opportunity to experience and honour different paths of shamanic traditions. Today she connects deeply with the Sufi path vision, in its purpose of integrating the common factor present in all traditions and religions, what we could call Sacred Activism. Understanding that every different born slope flows and reaches finally the same Ocean.
During her university teachings in the degree of Engineering in Expeditions and Ecotourism (2012-2019), in 2013 she met Permaculture, thus starting her journey to become a Gaia Education Trainer. In 2017 she entered the Chilean Institute of Permaculture and Transition. Since 2019 she is an active member of the Transition Movement Hubs Heart Circle (HHC), collaborating especially in revitalizing Training for Transition, and today coordinating the Inner Transition Circle (ITC). Simultaneously she collaborates with Gaia Education activating the EDE and GEDS presential and online programs in Chile and Latin America. Currently, she facilitates Eco-social Transformative processes in organizations and local communities and shares her practice of psychospiritual accompaniment, both face-to-face and virtually.
Knowledge Cloud |
Country: Chile |
Academic Titles: Transpersonal Psychologist, Magister in Systemic Therapy, Facilitator of Biodanza and Meditation, Groups Therapist. |
Websites: and |
Teaching language: Spanish and English |
EDEs Facilitated: Social dimension in El Manzano, Chile, February 2018. |